This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
(1) This Manual supports Schedule 2 – Delegation of Academic Matters of the Governance Rule.
(2) This Manual is designed to provide clear and concise directions for staff of the University of Newcastle ( University ) when designing, managing, and reviewing courses and assessments, and to provide information to students .
(3) This Manual will be revised annually and published in the University's policy library.
(4) This manual remains in effect for the calendar year (January to December) and will usually only be changed in that year if there are changes to external legislation or urgent amendments are approved by the President Academic Senate.
(5) The content of this Manual has benefited from input from other universities. The content has been reviewed to ensure the University's academic policies comply with the relevant sections of the Higher Education Threshold Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
(6) This Manual applies to courses created and offered by the University to:
(7) This Manual applies to the Joint Medical Program (JMP) . In the event of an inconsistency between this manual and the policies and procedures specific to the JMP, the policies and procedures of the JMP will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency, unless the matter relates to a delegation of authority.
(8) This Manual does not apply to Higher Degrees by Research (please see Higher Degree by Research Policy).
(9) This Manual makes references to College structures and positions. Equivalent structures and positions may exist in Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre and are referenced where relevant.
(10) Students are required to:
(11) A student should expect to spend, on average, 120–140 hours of effort or total load (including contact and non-contact course requirements) per 10 unit course. This applies to all courses , for all fields of study and modes of delivery, excluding placement courses .
(12) The University's primary method of communication to students is to their University email account.
(13) All students are required to check their University student email account frequently.
(14) The requirements for academic integrity are set out in the Student Conduct Rule and Academic Integrity and Ethical Academic Conduct Policy, and these apply to all courses and programs offered.
(16) A new course may be created to:
(17) A new course may only be offered where:
(18) The annual CAL will be finalised in May for the subsequent year.
(19) The authority to approve the inclusion, amendment, or removal of a course from the CAL is outlined in Table 1 below:
(20) The University uses a Learning Management System (LMS), and every course offering, regardless of mode, has a site in that system. Combining of sites across locations and modes will be considered on a case by case basis on request to the Assistant Director, Learning Design and Teaching Innovation.
(22) An academic subject code for an undergraduate or postgraduate course is the four-letter prefix at the beginning of a course code, for example: EDUC or MATH.
(23) For enabling courses , the academic subject code it is a six-letter prefix, for example: EPMATH.
(24) New academic subject codes should broadly cover one of the narrow Field of Education codes listed in the Australia Standard Classification of Education.
(25) New Academic Subject areas must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President on the recommendation of the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar.
(26) An academic subject code may be deleted by Student Central where the Academic Subject code is no longer required because it has been replaced by a more appropriate code or is no longer available at the University .
(27) Course content must:
(28) Regardless of the mode of delivery of the course, content should be made available in a manner consistent with the University Course Site Quality Principles.
(29) The standard unit value for courses is 10, 20, 30 or 40 units . The Program and Course Approval Committee (PCAC) may consider courses proposed to have a unit value other than a standard unit value .
(30) The total workload required must correspond to the unit value of the course .
(31) The University utilises the below course types:
(32) Each course's learning outcomes , assessment items , course content, learning activities and teaching methods must be aligned.
(33) Advice on principles for offerings across different modes is available at Modes of Delivery and in the Course Site Quality Principles. A course that is to be taught at multiple locations within the same academic term must have equivalent weightings and coverage of the learning outcomes across the assessment items . The assessment items should be consistent in the Course Handbook. Subject to Head of School approval, local assessment instances may be indicated in the Course Outline to enable flexibility for courses that are to be taught across sites or with different modes of delivery.
(34) The learning outcomes , knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills for each course level will vary depending on the field of study. When approving the course content the relevant College Board or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board will be guided by the following:
(35) Courses at higher levels require assessment tasks that demonstrate a greater depth and breadth of knowledge and greater complexity in skills.
(36) An undergraduate course cannot be re-badged as a higher-level undergraduate course .
(37) Undergraduate courses may be re-badged as postgraduate courses and offered jointly to both undergraduate and postgraduate students .
(38) Where an undergraduate course has been re-badged as a postgraduate course , the postgraduate course will require students to:
(39) Postgraduate students may attend the same lectures as undergraduate students .
(40) Single semester courses are the norm and the preferred option. Multi-term sequence courses are the exception.
(41) Multi-term sequence courses will be identified by an A and B suffix following the alphanumeric course code e.g. MATH1234A and MATH1234B.
(42) Multi-term sequence courses will usually have a unit value of 20, 30 or 40 units only. The unit value of a multi-term sequence course is the total value of the sequence and is not divisible.
(43) Multi-term sequence courses may only be offered in standard terms (semester or trimester).
(44) If a course is supervised (for example, WIL, a project, a thesis, fieldwork, or a practicum), it may be a multi-term sequence course . Justification must be provided for the creation of a multi-term supervised sequence course .
(45) Multi-term sequence courses must have clearly identifiable components which align with the term of offer (semester or trimester).
(46) The preferred option for the offering of multi-term sequence courses is Part A in Semester 1 and Part B in Semester 2 of any particular year. Multi-term courses need to be studied sequentially, with Part B studied in the semester immediately after Part A. Part A and Part B cannot be taken concurrently. Variations to this preferred option may be justified for end-on honours.
(47) Course Enrolment Rules must be listed under the Course Enrolment Rules header in the curriculum management system.
(48) A course will not usually have more than two Course Enrolment Rules.
(49) The PCAC must approve all Course Enrolment Rules.
(50) The Course Enrolment Rule types are codified in Table 2 Course Enrolment Rule Types.
Course Enrolment Rules | Description |
Program enrolment rule | Limits enrolment to students in a specific program (s). |
Exclusion (previously known as program anti-requisite) | Prevents students from completing a course as part of their program . |
Course prerequisite | Prevents students from enrolling in a course until they have successful completed a specific course or courses . |
course concurrent study | Prevents students from enrolling in a course unless they are also enrolled in another specified course in the same term. |
Course pre-requisite or concurrent enrolment | Prevents a student from enrolling in a course until they have either successfully completed a specific course or courses unless they are also enrolled in another specified course in the same term . |
Course replacement (previously course anti-requisite) | Prevents students from enrolling in a course as it is substantially similar to another course they have already successfully completed in their program . |
Multi Term Sequence (MTS) Part A | Prevents student from enrolling in an MTS Part B until they have completed MTS Part A. |
(51) Course Enrolment Rules will only be approved where they are pedagogically based or required to ensure the health and safety of students or the community.
(52) Guidance such as assumed knowledge and other recommendations or advice will be captured within the Course Enrolment Requirements section of the Curriculum Management System and will be published to the online course handbook. See types of Course Enrolment Requirements in Table 3.
Course Enrolment Requirement Type | Systematised to allow/block enrolment | Description |
Assumed knowledge | No – information only | Free text field used to guide student enrolment. Example: To enrol in this course students should have successfully completed 40 units at the 1000 level. |
Information | No – information only | Free text field used to guide student enrolment. Example: Students must obtain permission from the Course Co-ordinator to enrol in this course . |
LANTITE Milestone | Yes | Prevents students from enrolling in a course until they have met the LANTITE Milestone. |
MATH1110 Milestone | Yes | Prevents students from enrolling in a course until they have met the MATH1110 Milestone. |
Psychology Competency Test Milestone | Yes | Prevents students from enrolling in a course until they have completed the Psychology Competency Test Milestone. |
Teacher Education Milestone | Yes | Prevents students from enrolling in a course until they have met the Teacher Education Milestone by the completion of either: - Three HSC band 5s (including one in English) or - 80 units of University courses or - Regulatory authority approved comparable pathways. |
(53) The inclusion of assumed knowledge in a course indicates that the course will be taught on the understanding that students will already have a prescribed level of knowledge.
(54) A Compulsory Course Requirement is an assessment item or other element in a course which:
(55) Compulsory Course Requirements, including Compulsory Placement, WIL, WHS requirements, assessments set as a compulsory requirement, and compulsory attendance should not, wherever possible, cause the student workload for the course to exceed the 120-140 hours of effort per 10 unit course . This requirement may be relaxed for WIL or placement courses .
(56) Compulsory placement and WHS requirements must be met by the student to enable them to proceed with a placement or other activity(s).
(57) Compulsory placement and WHS requirements will not be awarded marks.
(58) Failure to undertake or successfully complete any Compulsory placement or WHS requirement will result in a CF grade.
Compulsory placement and WHS type | Compulsory placement and WHS description |
AHPRA Requirement | Provisional or full registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) |
Anaphylaxis training | Students must complete approved anaphylaxis training. |
Career Planning Document | Document developed by student and supervisor with regard to placement objectives. |
Child Protection Awareness Training | Students must complete approved child protection awareness training. |
First Aid Certificate | Students must complete a First Aid Certificate issued by an approved provider. |
Immunisation Requirements | Students must have up to date Vaccination Records. |
Induction | Students must complete the designated Induction activity(s) |
Internship Preparation Module | Students must complete the Internship Preparation Module |
National Police Certificate | Students must complete a National Police Check. |
NSW Health Verification Requirements | Mandatory NSW Health Verification Requirements must be met. |
Prohibited Employment Declaration | Declaration that student is not a prohibited person in terms of the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998. |
Senior First Aid Certificate | Students must complete a Senior First Aid Certificate issued by an approved provider. |
UEb Grade 2 Braille Competency | Students must demonstrate the required competency. |
WHS Requirement | Students must complete a Workplace Safety Induction or Risk assessment . |
Working with Children Check | A national criminal history check and review of findings of misconduct involving children, required for any child-related work. |
(59) Assessments set as compulsory requirements may have pass requirements of between 40% and 100%, which must be achieved to pass the course .
(60) Table 5 outlines other possible compulsory assessment requirements.
Compulsory assessment requirement type | Compulsory assessment requirement description |
Satisfy all placement criteria | Must be deemed satisfactory in all criteria (Professionalism and Conduct, Technical Skills or Professional Skills) by the placement supervisor to pass the course . |
Demonstrate competency | Must demonstrate competency in all required professional skills. |
Demonstrate behaviour | Must complete this assessment and demonstrate having met professional behaviour requirements for all clinical sessions. |
Pass requirement | Must pass this assessment item to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 40% | Must obtain 40% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 50% | Must obtain 50% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 60% | Must obtain 50% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 65% | Must obtain 65% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 70% | Must obtain 70% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 75% | Must obtain 75% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 80% | Must obtain 80% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 85% | Must obtain 85% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 90% | Must obtain 90% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 95% | Must obtain 95% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Pass requirement 100% | Must obtain 100% or greater in this assessment to pass the course . |
Submit 50% of assessment components | Must submit 50% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
Submit 60% of assessment components | Must submit 60% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
Submit 70% of assessment components | Must submit 70% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
Submit 80% of assessment components | Must submit 80% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
Submit 90% of assessment components | Must submit 90% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
Submit 100% of assessment components | Must submit 100% of the assessment components to pass the course . |
(61) Compulsory attendance may be set for specific learning activities. When attendance is compulsory:
(62) Adverse circumstances applications are permissible for compulsory attendance.
(63) The documentation for placements, including WIL, will provide a clear statement regarding:
(64) Agreements with host organisations must be approved by:
(65) Placements for individual students must be approved by either the Head of School or Deputy Head of School.
(66) The University is required to provide reasonable adjustments for students with a disability to complete placement requirements for programs in which they are enrolled.
(67) Placement agencies, where appropriate, must be required to provide the student with an induction prior to the student commencing the placement.
(68) Placement agencies, placement agency supervisors and students must be advised of their responsibilities under Anti-Discrimination, Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Privacy Legislation and the University's Risk Management Policy.
(69) Placement supervisors, placement agency supervisors and students will be provided with appropriate preparation regarding their role and responsibilities before, during and after the placement.
(70) Students on placement will:
(71) Where a student has failed a course which includes a placement they may be required to complete a pre-placement support and training session, before being permitted to re-enrol in the course . This requirement will be listed in the Course Outline.
(72) A course may be offered:
(73) Regular communication with students must be provided, irrespective of the mode of delivery. Course Co-ordinators must document in the Course Outlines the communication/interaction mechanisms to be used. This may include group emails, discussion boards, and meetings, phone, or face-to-face meetings.
(74) Learning activities and teaching methods must be appropriate to the content, field of study, level offered, and mode of delivery. Assistance and advice are available from Learning Design and Teaching Innovation.
(75) Staff must advise students of their availability for consultations in the Course Outline. Regular interaction is strongly encouraged.
(76) Student's queries should be addressed within an appropriate timeframe (usually three University working days ).
(77) The guidelines for teaching qualifications for course delivery and course coordination are outlined in the Appendices.
(78) Each course is required to have a Course Co-ordinator who is appointed by the Head of School to oversee the course , including offerings on different sites, in different modes and terms .
(79) A Head of School may appoint joint Course Co-ordinators for a course with multiple offerings or where there is need to have a Course Coordination Team.
(80) The Course Co-ordinator will usually be a Level B academic or above but may be a Level A academic or a conjoint academic member of the University if suitably qualified and experienced.
(81) The Course Co-ordinator should be appointed at least four weeks prior to the start of a term in which the course is offered.
(82) Course materials must contribute to the achievement of the course learning outcomes .
(83) Course materials should:
(84) All course materials and information are to be provided via the LMS course site. The course site inclusions must comply with the standard LMS course site blueprint (See the Learning Management System Teaching Courses: Minimum Presence).
(85) The purpose of course materials, their use in learning activities and the distinction between required and optional material should be explained to students .
(86) When advised there is a need, Course Co-ordinators must provide accessible course materials to students with disability. Click here for information on how to provide accessible resources. Course materials must be made available to the AccessAbility support service upon request. When appropriate, the Adaptive Technology Centre will adapt these materials.
(87) Students will be provided with all additional details and information about formal examinations and assessments (further to what is provided in the Course Outline) at least three weeks before the due date of an assessment item .
(88) An approved Course Outline must be made available at least two weeks before the commencement of each term in which the course is offered.
(89) The Course Co-ordinator must arrange for a Course Outline to be provided in an appropriate format and timeframe to students where this is required in a Reasonable Adjustments Plan.
(90) The Course Outline must be produced from the curriculum management system.
(91) Course Outlines must include:
(92) The approved Course Outline will be stored as a ‘read only’ document at the conclusion of the teaching period. Archived Course Outlines will be available to the Course Co-ordinator and the students who were enrolled.
(93) All students in a course must be notified of any changes to the Course Outline approved by the Head of School after the first week of term . The updated version will be provided via the Learning Management System .
(94) The Program and Course Approval Committee (PCAC) is responsible for ensuring that:
(95) The Head of School is responsible for:
(96) Course Co-ordinators are responsible for:
(97) To assist Course Co-ordinators, a checklist has been developed (see Course Co-ordinator Checklist).
(98) At least one of the following criteria must be demonstrated to justify the creation of new courses :
(99) New course proposals will be considered by the PCAC via the curriculum management system, and must also include the:
(100) The following reporting indicators within the new course proposal should be indicated as ‘yes’ where the listed criteria are met:
Indigenous Content | The course incorporates elements of Indigenous ways of knowing and being that are appropriate to the subject being studied, so that students develop a deeper and more meaningful understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities. |
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) | Students will undertake a significant engagement experience with industry, government, a non-government organisation or other possible future employer in order to develop their awareness of workforce practices and improve their workplace readiness. WIL may be simulated, undertaken within the University or externally and may include, among other things, clinical or other professional placements or internships or project work. |
Internationalisation | The curricula of the course includes international content and perspectives, in order to develop student's understanding of the global contexts of what they are learning. This might include, among other things, international internships, or in class activities and/or course work assessments that require consideration of international contexts and perspectives. |
(101) During the course approval process, there will be a quality assurance check for new courses , which must consider:
(102) To seek approval for a new academic subject code, a College or Division must complete the required New Academic Subject Area form. The form is available at Forms, Guides and Templates.
(103) Placement agencies and placement agency supervisors will be provided with the necessary information, training, and support to fulfil their role and responsibilities to the satisfaction of the University , placement agency and students .
(104) University Placement Supervisors and/or Course Co-ordinators will ensure that in addition to meeting the requirements outlined in clause 67 that:
(105) The University Placement Supervisor and/or the Course Co-ordinator will:
(106) All courses are subject to regular interim monitoring that is overseen by academic governance as prescribed by the Education Quality Assurance Policy and its procedures.
(107) Academic Senate and the PCAC may request periodic reviews to ensure that all courses continue to offer distinct content and appropriate learning outcomes .
(108) The Course Co-ordinator may approve a staff member’s or student's request to audit a course .
(109) A student may request or be advised to audit a course in which they will not formally enrol.
(110) Students auditing a course are:
(111) University staff may audit any courses that do not require the completion of an enrolment rule such as practicums, laboratories, placements, or have any other restrictions on enrolment and attendance, including work health and safety (WHS) requirements.
(112) The purpose and focus of assessment is to encourage, challenge, stimulate and support student learning, to identify high achieving students and those in need of additional academic support, and to ensure the following are met:
(113) Clear assessment requirements and criteria are essential components of quality course design. This applies equally to formative assessment and summative assessment.
(114) Students have differing levels of experience and expertise in learning and assessment, and therefore, require full explanations of the methods and types of assessment used in the field of study prior to major or summative assessments.
(115) Assessment must be considered part of and embedded within student's learning. Assessments must provide reliable indicators of student learning and achievement and be appropriate for the mode of delivery.
(116) Marks cannot be awarded for attendance or participation alone, except within a placement course . Attendance and participation may contribute up to 100% of the marks for a placement course and may be either graded or ungraded.
(117) The requirements for assessments are:
(118) Student performance is to be measured against pre-advised criteria. This assists with consistency in marking and feedback, by clarifying the requirements for all students and the markers for a course .
(119) To help students develop their own ability to evaluate the quality, completeness, and accuracy of their work, students must be familiarised with the course assessment expectations, requirements and criteria early in a course.
(120) Assessment criteria must:
(121) The results of individual assessment items and final results, including those provided via the LMS, are “unofficial results” prior to their confirmation by the School Assessment Body and Head of School.
(122) Major assessment items are any assessment items weighted as 30% or more of the overall value of the course (e.g. formal examinations, quizzes, in-class tests etc.).
(123) Minor assessment items are any assessment items weighted at less than 30% of the overall value of the course .
(124) The assessment items should be consistent in the Course Handbook, but local assessment instances may be indicated in the Course Outline to enable flexibility for courses run across sites or with different modes of delivery.
(125) Where assessment items utilise self and/or peer assessment as part of the marking:
(126) Assessment items marked by students or student peers within the course must not contribute to more than 10% of the final grade. Where the course also includes a 50% weighted group work component both group work and the peer marking components should not exceed 50% of the final grade.
(127) Written assessment items will usually have a word limit. Word limits will include headings, sub-headings, in-text citations, quotes and referencing, but will not include the list of references, appendices, and footnotes. The Course Co-ordinator will allow a tolerance of at least 10% of the word limit.
(128) No penalties for exceeding the word limit may be applied. Students should be made aware that any work after the maximum word limit may not be included within the allocation of marks.
(129) Single assessment items must contribute to at least 10% of a final course result. Exceptions to this requirement may be approved by the Head of School who must be satisfied that a group of assessment items are linked, for example:
(130) Single assessment items , including formal examinations, must not contribute to more than 50% to a final course result. Exceptions to this requirement may be approved by the Head of School, where:
(131) Students undertaking group work within a course will have an induction into group work processes at the commencement of the course or at least 3 weeks prior to the item being due.
(132) Within the course site the following details will be provided:
(133) Group assessment items should be highly structured and managed by staff experienced in group work, specific to the mode of delivery. Where staff have not previously managed a group work assessment in a particular mode of delivery, or where other experienced staff would like additional support, they should contact the Learning Design and Teaching Innovation.
(134) Group assessment items should not contribute to more than 50% of the total marks for a course .
(135) Where possible the University requires electronic submission of assessment items .
(136) The mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date , without an approved extension of time, will be reduced by up to 10% of the possible maximum mark for that assessment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late. Note: this applies equally to week days and weekend days.
(137) With the approval of the Head of School, a Course Co-ordinator may determine that an assessment item cannot be submitted after its due date (if, for example, an online quiz or a laboratory test may only be available for a set period of time). The course outline must advise that failure to complete such an item within the set period of time will result in a zero mark for the assessment item . A student may lodge an adverse circumstances application to seek an exception to any requirement that an assessment item cannot be submitted after its due date, see the Adverse Circumstances Policy and Adverse Circumstances Procedure.
(138) A student will be eligible for a supplementary assessment in a course where they have failed the course and the overall final mark for the course is between 45 and 49, subject to the following conditions:
(139) Eligible students will be identified through the School Assessment Body. The Course Co-ordinator will provide students with details of the supplementary assessment no later than three working days after the release of final results.
(140) If the supplementary assessment is an examination , the School will be responsible for the coordination and administration of the supplementary examination .
(141) If the student elects not to undertake the supplementary assessment or fails the supplementary assessment the original mark will stand.
(142) If the student passes the supplementary assessment the mark will be changed to a passing mark of 50% via the amendment to result process.
(143) Courses will have a maximum of one University supervised examination with that examination component not contributing to more than 50% of a course result.
(144) The Head of School cannot approve an examination to contribute to more than 50% of a final course result as individual feedback may not be provided to inform completion of the examination.
(145) All examinations undertaken on behalf of the University must comply with the provisions for Formal Examinations within this document.
(146) Examinations undertaken at all venues and organised on behalf of the University must comply with all University approved policies and procedures.
(147) All formal examinations must:
(148) As part of the evaluation process of any assessment item an oral examination may be conducted. The purpose of the oral examination is to verify the authorship of the material submitted in response to the assessment task and provide a quality assurance measure. The oral examination will be conducted in accordance with the principles set out in the Oral Examination (Viva) Procedure. Where the oral examination reveals the assessment item may not be the student's own work the matter will be dealt with under the Student Conduct Rule.
(149) All formal examinations held in the scheduled examination and rescheduled examination periods for standard terms will be administered by Student Administration.
(150) The responsible officer will publish timetables showing when and where examinations will be held prior to the examination period. Students will not usually be expected to sit more than three formal examinations within a 48-hour period.
(151) The arrangements for examinations conducted outside of the scheduled examination and rescheduled examination periods are the responsibility of the relevant Head of School (or nominee).
(152) Students are required to be available during the scheduled examination and rescheduled examination periods each term . This includes being available for examinations scheduled on Saturdays and in the evenings.
(153) Unless an examination is rescheduled under the Adverse Circumstances policy, students who fail to attend an examination scheduled on the examination timetable will be awarded a mark of zero for that examination.
(154) Reasonable Adjustments Plans may specify changes to examinations processes or conditions as appropriate to the needs of a student .
(155) Students may bring the following into an examination room:
(156) Where students are permitted to bring additional support items into an examination the following will apply:
(157) Calculators, except calculators within mobile phones and similar devices, may be used by students in an examination if approved by the appropriate Course Co-ordinator. The Course Co-ordinator must:
(158) Taking material into an examination room that breaches the above requirements will be deemed as student misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule. Evidence of material that breaches the above requirements may be photographed and used to determine an outcome under the provisions of the Student Conduct Rule. Should a student refuse to be photographed, the lack of cooperation by the student may be considered as evidence against the student .
(159) Students who fail to switch off their phone or device and place it under their chair, access the phone or device during the examination, or are found to have a phone or device on their person following a visit to the bathroom, will be reported for academic misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule.
(160) The permitted materials and devices for the relevant examination are outlined in Table 6.
Exam type | Permitted Material | Permitted Devices | Approval Conditions | Notes |
Online open book examination (default examination type) | Any hardcopy materials, including a thesaurus, a dictionary, or a translation dictionary. No restrictions apply. | Any devices. | N/A | N/A |
Examination with Memory Aid | Memory Aid – (a single double sided A4 sheet of paper containing handwritten or typed notes or diagrams) plus any other materials or devices explicitly listed on the Course Outline and included in the examination request. | Any devices explicitly listed in the Course Outline and included in the examination request. | N/A | N/A |
Open book (invigilated) examination | Any hardcopy materials, including a thesaurus, a dictionary, or a translation dictionary. No restrictions apply. | No devices permitted unless explicitly listed in the Course Outline and included in the examination request. | N/A | Open book examinations , may be held in the final week of the term by the Schools . Formal Examination Conditions are not required. |
Closed book examination | No memory aids or other materials permitted unless explicitly listed on the Course Outline and included in the examination request. | No devices permitted unless explicitly listed on the Course Outline and included in the examination request. | Assistant Dean (Education) will consider any request for closed book examinations via the appropriate form. Once approved the closed book examination will be recorded in the curriculum management system for future offerings. | The reason for the utilisation of the restricted examination type should be included in the Course Outline and on the examination paper. |
(161) Rescheduled examinations may only be granted in accordance with the Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Policy.
(162) Rescheduled examinations will only be supervised by Examinations if they are held within the formal examination period.
(163) All arrangements for rescheduled examinations held outside the rescheduled examination period are the responsibility of the School .
(164) All rescheduled examinations must be conducted in the same manner as formal examinations.
(165) A rescheduled examination will, except in exceptional circumstances, be scheduled:
(166) A rescheduled examination will not offer advantage to the student who has:
(167) Students undertaking a rescheduled examination will complete a different paper to that completed by students who sat the original examination.
(168) A rescheduled examination paper, except for a wholly multiple-choice paper, must be at least 20% different to the paper that was prepared and used for the original scheduled formal examination.
(169) Course Co-ordinators are responsible for the preparation of examination papers, including alternate examination papers, for each of their courses in accordance with any requirements and timelines specified by Examinations , Student Administration.
(170) The examination paper for a course with multiple offerings in the same term must be the same, irrespective of location of offer or mode of delivery. The content may be contextualised for specific offshore requirements with approval from the relevant Head of School.
(171) The Head of School must ensure, through the submission of the relevant completed Hardcopy Examination Paper Creation and Review Checklist to Student Central, that the master examination papers, including any alternate master examination papers, are quality reviewed (see Examination Paper Creation and Review Checklist). This review must ensure that the:
(172) Norm based marking is not utilised.
(173) Assessment marking must be based on the assessment criteria that is made available to the students in the Course Outline and/or other materials.
(174) All markers must have received identical information to ensure marking consistency.
(175) Staff who are marking assessment items must be familiar with the criteria for all assessment items as early as possible in the delivery of a course .
(176) When an assessment item is being conducted at multiple locations the same marking criteria must be used in each location.
(177) Markers must ensure the marking process produces feedback that will contribute to student learning.
(178) Quality assurance of marking is important to safeguard the academic integrity of a course and ensure fairness for students through processes of formal or informal moderation. This is primarily the responsibility of the Course Co-ordinator, as is the design of the assessment for a course .
(179) All marking related quality assurance outcomes and processes are to be documented and made available if required by the Head of School or School Assessment Body.
(180) All marks for individual assessment item results must be recorded in the Learning Management System .
(181) To finalise the marking of a research component in Bachelor Honours Degrees:
(182) Moderation is the process to independently review the marks of all, or a randomly selected set, of students for one or more assessment items in a course. Informal moderation should occur routinely to ensure consistency across multiple markers and must occur when significant anomalies are identified.
(183) Formal moderation may be used when a Course Co-ordinator, Head of School, Pro Vice-Chancellor, or the University requires a formal investigation of marking in a course . If initiated by a Course Co-ordinator a formal moderation requires the prior approval of the Head of School.
(184) A formal moderation might be initiated in response to the identification of major discrepancies or other issues to address uncertainty about the validity of an assessment outcome, or to confirm equivalence of the University's expectations with national or international benchmarks.
(185) If a single marker is responsible for marking 75% or more of all assessment items of a course , a sample of 10% or 10 assessments, whichever is greater, should be moderated by another examiner to examine for consistency and reliability. If significant consistency or reliability issues are identified within the sample, all assessments should be re-marked (see ‘Re-marking’) and further moderation processes conducted for all remaining assessment items for that course .
(186) Where two markers are responsible for marking an individual assessment item , they can either provide a jointly agreed mark or separate individual marks. If the latter, the process for establishing the final result must be agreed between the two markers in advance. Double marking is usually used only for marking Honours theses (see section on marking the Honours research component, clauses 184-5).
(187) Where more than one marker is marking assessment items within a course , a calibration process should be adopted to promote consistency of judgment between markers. The process should involve each marker reviewing the marks of other markers of the same set of assignments or examination papers. The assessment items chosen should represent a range of marks obtained in the assessment item . Calibration meetings should be held prior to the commencement of formal marking to confirm this process.
(188) For a research component that is 40 units or more in the Bachelor Honours Program:
(189) For a research component that is less than 40 units in the Bachelor Honours program:
(190) A single assessment item , or part of an assessment item , may be re-marked. This may follow the identification of concerns about the mark(s) awarded or where consistency or reliability issues are identified during moderation.
(191) A re-mark of an assessment item may be initiated at the request of the Course Co-ordinator, the Program Convenor , the Head of School, the School Assessment Body, the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee, or the relevant College Pro Vice-Chancellor.
(192) Re-marking arrangements must be communicated to the student in advance of the re-marking. Where the assessment item is being re-marked by an independent marker or markers, the final assessment result will be either the:
(193) If the Course Co-ordinator is the initial marker of an assessment item :
(194) Where a re-mark is undertaken the resultant mark may remain the same or be higher or lower than the original mark.
(195) The Course Co-ordinator must provide the new/revised mark and a recommendation to the initiator of the re-mark and advise the initial marker of the outcome of the re-mark. If the Course Co-ordinator initiated the re-mark, they must be able to justify the final mark to the Head of School or Pro Vice-Chancellor, if requested.
(196) Effective feedback is integral to the learning process and can enhance student engagement and success.
(197) At least one form of individualised feedback, which identifies strengths and weaknesses in relation to the specific assessment criteria, should be provided to students per course .
(198) All feedback must:
(199) Formative feedback should be provided to students when possible. Depending on the type of assessment item , this may be individualised or given to the group of students enrolled in a course .
(200) Feedback should be provided to students within 15 University working days of submission of an assessment item so that they can incorporate it into their learning and future assessment items . Where feedback is not able to be provided in accordance with this requirement, such as for very large classes or due to staff illness, students should be informed as soon as possible as to when the feedback will be provided.
(201) Feedback can be provided to individuals, or to a group of students in a variety of ways. It may be:
(202) A School Assessment Body must be established in accordance with the School Assessment Body Generic Terms of Reference.
(203) Except for exam papers, assessment items should be returned to the student following marking.
(204) Electronic return of assessment items is recommended.
(205) Items not returned to students (e.g. exam papers) will be made available for review by the student , upon request, in a controlled and monitored setting.
(206) Assessment items will be retained for six months after the fully graded date for the term and may then be destroyed.
(207) Examination papers will be retained by the relevant School for six months after the final result is published. After this period the examination scripts may be destroyed.
(208) Student Central is responsible for:
(209) The Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar is responsible for administering formal examinations held within the scheduled examination and rescheduled examination periods for standard terms .
(210) The Head of School / Head of Domestic Programs is responsible for:
(211) The Course Co-ordinator is responsible for:
(212) Student Administration staff are responsible for liaising with the Head of School regarding courses which do not have posted final results and grades prior to the fully graded date .
(213) All students undertaking a face to face examination are required to present their current University Student Card or other current photo identification (such as proof of age card, driver's licence, or passport) to the Exam Invigilators upon entry into an examination room. Students who fail to present suitable photo identification at the time of the examination:
(214) Supervised examinations will be conducted in accordance with the following procedures.
(215) Students must:
(216) Students must not:
(217) Unless otherwise noted on the examination paper or by the Exam Invigilator, reading time during a formal examination is to be used for reading only. Students doing anything other than reading during the reading time may be reported for suspected academic misconduct .
(218) Exam Invigilators will record and report student absences from examination rooms.
(219) The procedures for supervised examinations may be relaxed by the supervising Exam Invigilator in the event of an emergency.
(220) All instances in which procedures are relaxed during an examination must be reported in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President, Head of School and the Course Co-ordinator immediately following the examination.
(221) The following clauses do not apply to review of final results in a course .
(222) A student who believes that an error has been made in the determination of their mark of an assessment item should email the Course Co-ordinator no later than three University working days after their mark has been made available.
(223) The student must clearly specify the error that they believe has been made in the determination of their mark and how they reached this conclusion, providing evidence and specific examples wherever possible.
(224) The Course Co-ordinator may elect to seek a recommendation from the original marker.
(225) The Course Co-ordinator will respond to the review request within three working days , and may determine to:
(226) The Course Co-ordinator will email the student and marker(s) once a determination has been made.
(227) Students unable to contact the Course Co-ordinator within three University working days after their mark has been made available should contact the Head of School. The student must provide evidence of their attempts to contact the Course Co-ordinator, and the details outlined in clause 219 that supports their request.
(228) The Course Co-ordinator is responsible for contacting eligible students to advise the arrangements for supplementary assessments within three working days of the official release of final results.
(229) After notification of the supplementary assessment item , the student has ten days to complete the item, unless there are approved adverse circumstances arrangements. If the item is not completed within the specified timeframe the original result will stand.
(230) If a supplementary assessment is undertaken and the student passes the item, the official result will be capped at 50 (Pass).
(231) The School Assessment Body will undertake the responsibilities documented in the School Assessment Body Generic Terms of Reference, or an approved amended Terms of Reference.
(232) The School Assessment Body will:
(233) The Head of School will approve the final results using the deliberations of the School Assessment Body as a guide.
(234) Following the Head of School's approval of the final results, the College Pro Vice-Chancellor may view the Quality Enhancement Framework Course Dashboard to monitor student retention, success and feedback.
(235) If the College Pro Vice-Chancellor has concerns about the course outcomes, the Head of School and Course Co-ordinator will be asked to explain, and, where necessary, adopt strategies for improvement.
(236) Where there are significant improvements or trends are identified, these should be reported by the College Pro Vice-Chancellor to the College Board.
(237) The College Pro Vice-Chancellor will facilitate regular interim course performance montioring by the College Board in accordance with the University's Education Quality Assurance Policy and its procedures.
(238) The final result for a specified course will be based only on studies completed by the student in that course . Performance in another course cannot contribute to the final result.
(239) A student will be deemed to have successfully completed a course where the student has:
(240) A student will be deemed to have not successfully completed a course where they withdraw after the census date has passed or receive a fail grade.
(241) Final results will be provided as a mark and a grade for each course (see Grading Scales and Administrative Codes) except when the course is:
(242) Following approval by the Head of School or Head of Domestic Programs (PALSC)the course results become the official course results. They will be available on the fully graded date for the term .
(243) Irrespective of a student's mark, if a student has achieved overall marks greater than 50% in a course but has failed to satisfactorily complete a Compulsory Course Requirement then the relevant School or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre will enter a component fail (CF) mark and grade against the course and a fail grade (FF) will be recorded on their official transcript.
(244) Results pending finalisation may be recorded using an administrative code (see Grading Scales and Administrative Codes).
(245) Final results for Bachelor Honours will be as shown in Grading Scales and Administrative Codes, for End-On-Honours programs and Embedded Honours Programs respectively.
(246) The Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) must be available to consult with students during the three University working days following the publication of the final result. In the absence of the Course Co-ordinator, the relevant Head of School is responsible for ensuring that appropriate assistance is available to students during this period.
(247) The authority to approve an amendment to a final result in a course is described in Table 7 below:
Approval Authority and Limits | Conditions |
Head of School / Head of Wollotuka Institute / Head of Domestic Programs (PALSC) – limited to amendments within 6 months of the fully graded date . | This authority excludes instances where the grade is awarded in relation to a determination of academic misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule. |
College Pro Vice-Chancellor (CPVC) / Director, Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre (DPALSC) – limited to amendments more than 6 months after the fully graded date , but within 2 years of the fully graded date . | For CPVC, this authority is subject to the recommendation of the Head of School. For DPALSC this authority is subject to the recommendation of the Head of Domestic Programs (PALSC). This authority excludes instances where the grade is awarded in relation to a determination of academic misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule. |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President – limited to amendments made more than 2 years after the fully graded date . | This authority is subject to the recommendation of the College Pro Vice-Chancellor. This authority excludes instances where the grade is awarded in relation to a determination of academic misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule. |
(248) An appeal against a final result must be in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy.
(249) A valid appeal against a final result is one which addresses one or more of the following appeal criteria and includes relevant supporting evidence in writing:
(250) The following are not valid grounds to appeal a final result:
(251) Where a mark or grade has been awarded as a consequence of academic misconduct , any review of the final result must be made in accordance with the Student Conduct Rule.
(252) A late appeal of a final result:
(253) The acceptance of a late appeal of a final result may be at the discretion of the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee.
(254) Students submitting an appeal more than two months after publication of the final result can only apply for a Withdrawal (W).
(255) In exceptional circumstances, students may be eligible to apply for a Remission of Tuition fees – refer to Refunds and Remission of Debt for details.
(256) Determinations made by the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee relating to appeals against final results in a course are final and there is no further avenue for appeals within the University . The student may have rights of appeal outside the University . Please refer to the Academic Appeals Policy.
(263) A student who wishes to seek advice or clarification of their final results in a course must email the Course Co-ordinator for that course within three University working days of their final result being published on myHub.
(264) The student must clearly specify why they believe an error has been made in the determination of their final grade and how they reached this conclusion, providing evidence and specific examples wherever possible.
(265) Where the student indicates that they believe not all assessment items have been included in the calculation of the final result, the Course Co-ordinator will provide the mark breakdown to the student , refer to Table 8 – Example of Assessment Types, Weightings and Results.
Assessment Type, Weighting and Results | |||||
Assessment item 1 – Essay | Assessment item 2 – Presentation & Report | Assessment item 3 – Formal exam | Raw Result | Final Result | |
Assessment weighting | 20% | 40% | 40% | ||
Assessment Result | 15.6/20 | 85/100 | 60/100 | ||
Contribution to final result | 15.6 | 34 | 24 | 73.6 | 74% |
(266) The Course Co-ordinator (or their nominee) will respond to a request from a student within three University working days of receipt, and after reviewing the result will either:
(267) The Course Co-ordinator will email the student with the outcome once a determination has been made.
(268) If an administrative error is identified in a final result, an Amendment to Result Form will be completed by the Course Co-ordinator (e.g. where not all required items of assessment were included in the final determination of the result), and approved in accordance with Table 8 Amendment to Final Results Approval Authority.
(269) After seeking a review by the Course Co-ordinator a student may lodge an appeal against their final result for a course in accordance with this Manual.
(270) To lodge an appeal a student must submit an application within 10 University working days of the publication of the final result via the online portal Appeal Against a Final Result.
(271) The relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee will consider all valid appeals against a final result. Where the outcome of the appeal is to amend a final result, the CPAC will make a recommendation to the relevant delegate (see Table 7).
(272) Appeals that do not provide evidence of the following criteria will be rejected by the Secretary to the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee:
(273) Where an appeal is rejected the original final result for the course will stand.
(274) The relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee may request any additional information required to determine the outcome of an appeal.
(275) The College Progress and Appeals Committee may determine that:
(276) The Chair of the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee is authorised to undertake urgent business between scheduled committee meetings. Actions taken under this delegation must be ratified by the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee at the next meeting.
(277) The outcome of an Appeal Against a Final Result request will be actioned by the Secretary to the relevant College Progress and Appeals Committee or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee, including notifying the student of the outcome, usually within twenty-five University working days after publication of the final result. The notification should identify which appeal criteria formed the basis of the appeal decision.
(278) Each College Progress and Appeals Committee will report to their College Board annually on the activities initiated under this section. The Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Progress and Appeals Committee will report to the Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board annually on the activities under this section. These reports must be available for compliance and monitoring if requested by Academic Senate.
(279) Course revisions should not affect students currently enrolled in that course unless the revision is to correct an identified error.
(280) Corrections to typographical errors may be made at any point and do not require approval, providing the correction does not change the context.
(281) School level course revisions are approved by the Head of School or Deputy Dean (Education) (PALSC).
(282) The types of course revisions that constitute a School Level Course Revision are outlined in Table 9 below:
School Level Course Revision Type | Limitations of Authority of Delegate | Conditions of Authority |
Amend a Course Outline. | Limited to amendments after the commencement of the term . | Nil. |
Amend the assessment weightings, types or methods of assessment. | Limited to amendments for a future term . | Nil. |
Determine that an assessment item cannot be submitted after its due date. | Nil. | Nil. |
Amend the assumed knowledge or add new assumed knowledge . | Limited to amendments for a future term | Nil. |
Amend the contact hours for a course offering. | Limited to amendments for a future term . | This authority must be exercised in accordance with the timelines set by the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar. |
Amend the course content, outcomes and mapping of course assessments to course outcomes, including amendments to course content to allow for contextualisation for specific offshore requirements or modes of delivery. | Nil. | This authority must be exercised in accordance with the timelines set by the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar. |
Set compulsory course requirements (CCR). | Nil. | This authority may only be exercised where it is ensured that the CCR are achievable for all modes of delivery used, and at each site of offering. |
Amend the course rules for an existing course . | Limited to the removal of anti-requisites and pre-requisites. | Nil |
(283) College level course revisions are approved by the College Board or the Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board.
(284) The types of course revisions that constitute a College Level Course Revision are outlined in Table 10 below:
College Level Course Revision Type | Limitations of Authority of Delegate | Conditions of Authority |
Amend the course title and field of education code. | Limited to amendments for future terms . | Subject to the recommendation of the Head of School, and must be exercised in accordance with the timelines set by the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar. |
Change the grading basis. | Limited to changes for a future term where there are no enrolments as at the time of the change. | Subject to the recommendation of the Head of School, and must be exercised in accordance with the timelines set by the Academic Division General Manager and Academic Registrar. |
Remove course requisites. | ||
Approve the amendment of compulsory course requirements (CCR) after a course is approved. | Nil | Subject to the recommendation of the Head of School, and the CCR’s being achievable for all modes of delivery used and at each site of offering. |
(285) University level course revisions are approved by the Program and Course Approval Committee.
(286) The types of course revisions that constitute a University Level Course Revision are outlined in Table 11 below:
University Level Course Revision Type | Limitations of Authority of PCAC | Conditions of Authority |
Approve a compulsory program requirement (CPR) which will be monitored for academic progression purposes. | Nil. | Nil. |
Approve a formal examination within a course to have a duration of 3 hours. | Nil. | Nil. |
Add a new course enrolment rule. | Nil. | Nil. |
Amend an existing course enrolment rule. | Nil. | Nil. |
(287) Where a course is core, compulsory or part of an accredited program , and there is a proposed change the School will ensure that all relevant College Education and Innovation Officer or equivalent staff are notified of the change. Following appropriate consultation, the College Education and Innovation Officer will provide confirmation to the School that there will be no adverse impact upon the program and the proposed change may proceed or, alternatively, identify the need for further consultation involving the Assistant Dean (Education).
(288) When amending the term of offer of a course that is core or compulsory in a program or programs , the Head of School offering the course will ensure that all relevant College Education and Innovation Officers are notified of the change. Following appropriate consultation, the College Education and Innovation Officer will provide the School confirmation that there will be no adverse impact upon the program and the proposed change may proceed, or, alternatively identify a need for further consultation involving the Assistant Dean (Education).
(289) The approval authority for course discontinuation is outlined in Table 12 below:
Approval authority and limits | Conditions |
College Board / Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board – limited to circumstances where students will not be disadvantaged and appropriate teach-out or alternative arrangements have been made. | Course discontinuations will be reported annually to PCAC by the Secretary to PCAC. |
PCAC | The PCAC may direct a College or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre to discontinue the offering, location, or mode of delivery of a course . |
(290) If the discontinued course is a core or compulsory course within a program , the Head of School will ensure consultation with the Assistant Dean (Education) of the College offering the program . For enabling courses, if the discontinued course is a core or compulsory course within an enabling program , the Head of Domestic Programs will ensure consultation with the Deputy Dean (Education). The resultant major program revision must be submitted to the PCAC according to timelines so that students are not disadvantaged. If multiple Colleges and/or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre are involved all stakeholders need to be consulted on the change. Refer to the Program Management Manual - Coursework.
(291) If the course is contained in a course list for a program (s), the relevant Head of School will ensure that a notice of the intention to discontinue the course is provided to the Assistant Dean (Education) of the College which offers the program . The resultant minor program revision must be submitted to the relevant College Board or Pathways and Academic Learning Support Centre Board according to timelines that will ensure students are not disadvantaged. Refer to the Program Management Manual - Coursework.
(292) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in any particular case (for an individual student or student cohort), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice President and President Academic Senate in a joint capacity and on the recommendation of a Pro Vice-Chancellor, may relax any provision of this procedure manual except for clauses relating to the determination of appeals against final results.